Welcome to scripted.neocities.org.
Here, you'll find codes, links, and resources to beautify your website. This site serves as my personal bookmark for the resources I use mainly for coding and carrd.co.
Feel free to explore code snippets here, I don't own all of these, credits to all owners. Chat is open for questions.
Note: Some links may appear unavailable. For expired links, try searching it to internet archive.
Warning: Each category contains elements that move, flash, or play loud music, so please proceed carefully!
03-January-2025: A simpler layout for now. This resource stie will be forever a work in progress.
12-August-2022: New button for you to link my resource site.
30-May-2022: This used to be in carrd.co, but transferred to neocities.
28-May-2022: New layout so far!
09-May-2022: Started this resource site. You may access the old neocities.
Scripted added new stuff on