• The music player section contains various music players. In terms of method compatibility, some are not compatible with the Dropbox, Discord, or other methods. You can always try these other methods. Make sure to give credit to the rightful owners.

Adilene.net Music Player (Lite)
Harenchi Music Player
Simple Music Player
Spinning Headphones Music Player
Image Music Player
Speaker Music Player
Fixed Circle Music Player
Nako.ju.mp Music Player
Inside a container Music Player
Ongaku Music Player
Image Circle Music Player
hover on text music player
lippies.uwu.ai Music Player (c) itzhuo
Spinning Album Music Player (c) girisgoblog
2000's Music Player
Music Player (c) ramdons
Sanrio Music Player
glenthemes06 Glenthemes Music Player 06 glenthemes07 Glenthemes Music Player 07 glenthemes07 Glenthemes Music Player 01
win98 music player (c) loveberry/layercake.neocities.org
Spinning Icon Music Player
Music with GIF 1
glenthemes07 Glenthemes Music Player 03
Vitanica Music Player
Diamond Spin Music Player
cherry.ju.mp music player
Music Player with pixel and marquee
Caiyini Music Player
Madomagi music player