welcome to scripted.neocities.org. you can find codes + resources to beautify your website
happy exploring and thank you for visiting this resource carrd and the chat box is always open, and my Ccat is open for any questions.
Some links are unavailable, search them up in web.archive. layout inspired by: ishimori, jellymask, hourlyriti

[lace border] brown

[lace border] orange

[lace border] purple

pink paper border

[lace border] pastel blue

[lace border] blue plaid lace

biscuit border

flower border

beaded hearts

[lace border] doily

[lace border] pastel pink 1

[lace border] pink 2

[lace border] yellow

[lace border] white pink, cr @baeyhkun

golden frame

[lace border] white

yellow & pink heart

[lace border] beige pink

[lace border] pink with hearts

[lace border] pink with ribbon

[lace border] black doily

[lace border] pink

[lace border] grey

[hover] star mask animation
cr @tubbox on codepen

[hover] image tooltip

[mask] fog

[mask] circle

[mask] star, cr @imiyaimi on IG

[mask] paper

blurred edges

nene's mask batch 1
cr @solielios

nene's mask batch 2
cr @solielios

nene's mask batch 3
cr @solielios

[animation] jellymask crd twitching image

[animation] bounce and flip heart

[animation] pop in-out image

double border

inset border

gradient border


[mask] hello kitty mask, cr @viliarreai

sliding image to reveal text, cr viliarreai
@introusers code

drop shadow to an image

[hover] image rotate + blur hover

[hover] hover heart code
some of the music players here is not compatible with dropbox method. i always use the discord method, but you can always try these other methods. make sure to credit these music players to the rightful owner
you can find other music players: glenthemes music

multiple song music player, cr adilene.net

harenchi music player, by lovermonth

basic music player

spinning headphone music player

jumping image music player

speaker music player

fixed circle music player

nako ju mp music player

music player inside container, cr @ciarispop

ongaku music player

image circle music player

hover on text music player

madomagi music player

spinning circle music player

lippies uwu ai music player, cr @itzhuo

spinning CD album music player, cr @girisgoblog

2000's music player

ramdons music player

sanrio music player

circular/radial progress indicator music player

corazon uwu ai music player

WIN98 music player by adilene.net

notebook crd music player

spin icon music player

music with GIF beside 1

music with GIF beside 2

simple music player

slide up playlist music player onhover

kill bill music player, cr @vitanica

not draggable music player

draggable music player

diamond music player

slide in music player tab

minimalist with a spinning vinyl music player

cherry ju mp music player

gradient music player
click on any font to get their code
> go to cakepop.crd.co for the @font-face tutorial. (uses dropbox method)
> add font from other site, tutorial.
> add a google font, tutorial.
Adorable Doll • Alba • Always In My Heart • Easter bunnies • Antre • Austie Bost Kitten • Baligle • Basiic • Berkshire • Better Together • billo • Blomster • Bohemian Soul • Bratsy • Bratz doll • Bukhari Script • Candy Shop • Cherl! • Chick • Chocolate • Cookies • Coolvetica • Crystal • cutie pop! • Deliosa • Dinotopia • Fingerlinger • Glamour • Good time • Grandelo • Gummy • Handy • Heartland • Hello Day! • Hello Kitty • hug me tight • Hugh is Life • Hynole • Kamikaze • Kid Playton • Keep on Truckin • KG Sunshine • Klopers • Levi Windows • Love Circle • lovely • Lovely Valentine • Luna • Magica • Mamemoji • Minecraft • Miss Kindy • Monster • New Romantics! • Nimora • Nintendo DS-Bios • Oh Whale • Paradise • Pixel MS-Serif • Porky • Powerpuff girls • Quiet meows • Rainkiss • Rilakkuma • Ring • Rolling Love • Rosalie • Sant Joan • Scratch Boys • soopafresh • SPACERANGER • Starborn • Starlight • Stitch { • Story Book • Sweetheart • Tiki Tropic • Tiny • To Japan • Utonium • Vintages • Warm Wishes • Watermelon • Winkle • isuvw • ZL_(üU • Q,?6m9h • Ccqlh • 12345 • a~gh=
more mouse cursor and background effects on mf2fm.com/rv. if this site is banned in your country, copy a link below and find it on web.archive.
you can change the symbol of the cursor, a tutorial.
if you want to change it to a GIF or image cursor, find the imgurl (open the code and CTRL+F or 'find in page').
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
scrollbox with mark style
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
scrollbox with two different kind of fonts
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie

NEW customized shape style chatbox

💀.drr.ac scrollbox, cr cyberpinked

jichuwee carrd co scrollable boxes

title hovered into a scrollbox

image hover to reveal the scrollbox version 1 code
Candy gummies macaroon gummi bears marshmallow dragée. Croissant jujubes bonbon oat cake dragée sugar plum. Marshmallow donut oat cake muffin cheesecake lollipop apple pie apple pie

claris ju mp menu

bliss menu

cr @chngmis

NEW code

NEW lippies crd, cr itzhuo

NEW nana crd, cr dollzito

NEW cr viliarreai

box shake into scrollbox
cr @cyberpinked

flip heart navigation menu

slide up container, cr @aicoholdrink

nubes crd co menu, cr @is4joon

scripted.drr.ac update log

ishimori crd update log
alternative code

folder menu

hashimoto.crd menu, cr @itzhuo & ciarispop

frosted glass flip card

gina.crd.co menu, cr @805online

limonysal menu

drop down menu

flower menu

heart menu

bookmarks menu, cr Solielios

menu in lala uwu ai

menu in scripted drr ac

claris.crd.co menu, cr @ciarispop

default blur menu

blur rotate menu

slide up blur menu

blur y expand menu

himikotoga crd menu

damian crd menu

flip book menu

flip card menu


element appear on hover menu, cr @ciarispop

yui crd menu, cr @ciarispop

mark crd co menu

Multiple sections one embed menu, cr SOLIELIOS
moving text site name

button with blinking
moving text site name

password protection
gamja heart

link color changes after visited

girly.uwu.ai button, cr @itzhuo

button with blinking

NEW notebook tabs

window buttons

custom highlight selection

typing tab title

marquee tab title

glassmorphism CSS generator





windows 98

windows 7


chatbox hidden and shows when hovered

message alert box when page opens

NEW inset box shadow

website pet

rating stars system

sticky note script, by yukoki

jichuwee carrd co scrollable boxes

get chatbox

this similar type of backgrounds

draggable box
✦ cupcakeipsum.com - placeholder text
✦ cut image into equal parts
✦ document introduction of html & CSS
✦ scroll to top
✦ cooltext
✦ hide your scroll bar
✦ disable right click + alert
✦ sound effect when click
✦ listography copy & paste symbols
✦ responsinator
✦ animista
✦ patorjk color fader
✦ peeping image animation on background
✦ interactive web neko
✦ custom scrollbar generator
✦ disable user to inspect element and use shortcut keys
✦ pre-made cursors
✦ responsinator (view your website in other device)
ask only appropriate questions about carrd.co or coding stuff. please atleast present me your code, sample and how you want it to be or be specific as possible!
don't hesitate to report for errors in link asap.
CARRD.CO HOW-TOs✦ add a music player✦ use patorjk color fader site✦ fade in color animation before your page shows ✦ make a container scrollable✦ make one of the column of container scrollable✦ have radial or linear gradient of your container✦ add divider image on top of your page✦ position text outside of the containerFOR ALL ✦ disable user selection ✦ vhs filter✦ TV set filter✦ change symbol of floating hearts cursor✦ insert your own cursor with image, pixel, or GIF✦ turn your link into dotted instead of underline✦ embed any spotify playlist✦ change symbol of click explosion✦ apply animista animations on an element✦ add custom highlight selection (select me)✦ import windows7.css, windows98.css, XP.css, getpaper.css, NES.css, or any kind of CSS framework✦ remove the underline style from a link✦ position an element at the corner screen✦ add line break✦ make text act like a scrollbox✦ disable the user from selecting anything✦ add image or GIF beside or within text✦ add font from other site✦ add a google font✦ add sound effect to a button, link, or anything✦ use fc2 website counter✦ remove cursor link from cursors-4u✦ click image to copy a text (e.g click my button to copy link)
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click my button to link me!